
viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

Enlaces interesantes

Mobile Learning is authored by Leonard Low, an E-Learning Designer at the University of Canberra’s Teaching and Learning Centre.
Media, games, teaching and learning.
Technology Enhanced Learning

Research Centers and Organizations
Where Technology Enables Learning. The Learning Lab is committed to working with emergent and innovative technologies to deliver, enhance and support learning.With a focus on research and development in mobile and emergent learning technologies, we actively encourage partnership and collaboration between organisations and individuals involved in the e-learning sector and run regular events to showcase new and adapted technologies.

The London Mobile Learning Group
Mobile learning is an emerging, and rapidly expanding field of educational research and practice across schools, colleges and universities as well as in the work place. The London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG) brings together an international, interdisciplinary group of researchers from the fields of cultural studies, sociology, semiotics, pedagogy and educational technology. The group is working on a theoretical and conceptual framework for mobile learning around the notion of cultural ecology. The analytical engagement with mobile learning of the group takes the shape of a conceptual model in which educational uses of mobile technologies are viewed in ecological terms as part of a cultural and pedagogical context in transformation.

Learning Technology Research Institute
The LTRI conducts research into the application of information and communication technologies to augment, support and transform learning. There are three major research themes.

International Association for Mobile Learning
IAMLearn is a membership organization to promote excellence in research, development and application of mobile and contextual learning. It organizes the annual mLearn international conference series and manages the website to collate and disseminate informaiton about new projects, emerging technologies, and teaching resources.


Times Higher Education

E-Learn Magazine
Education and Technology in Perspective

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Notas 2

Aprendizaje móvil por exposición audio-visual como apoyo a la enseñanza de inglés en la Universidad del Mar, Iquique.
  • Mlearning
  • MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning)

  • Informal (language) learning
  • Incidental (language) learning
  • Situated learning

  • TICS aplicadas a educación
  • TICS aplicadas a "language learning"
  • TICS aplicadas a educación superior

  • Multimedia learning
  • Multimodalidad

  • Chile

  • Captions (Same language subtitling - Reversed Subtitling - Standard subtitling)

  • Second Language Learning/Acquisition
  • Foreign Language Learning/Aquisition