Artículo en pdf: AQUÍ
El artículo tiene una buena cantidad de revisión bibliográfica. Toca varios temas que no tenía claros hasta el momento. El hecho de que estén categorizados los distintos "sub-temas" me ayudó a crear un buen esquema mental.
Algunos detalles llamaron mi atención (para bien o para mal)...
Similarly, 'Wikipedia, the online free encyclopedia' takes subtitles synonymous with captions and defines both as 'the textual versions of the dialogue in films and television programs, usually displayed at the bottom of the screen'. The present study adopts the same position and the two terms are used interchangeably.
1. El segundo apartado trata de definir y diferenciar "captions" de "subtítulos." Al final se queda con la "definición" o sistema de WIKIPEDIA en el que se usa el termino "subtitles" para ambos :S- Entonces si no va a usar esta distinción, para qué ponerla?
2. Me gustó que trata de describir en detalle los "nombres" que otros autores han usado en investigaciones subtítulos/captions and the like...
problema: al describir las investigaciones, Abbas-Ali Zareit usa la denominación que el autor de la investigación usó, lo que confunde un tanto. En lugar de eso podría haber descrito las investigaciones en función de la denominación que él pretende establecer.
Respecto de la investigación misma...
As homework, the participants were required to watch the films at home. To make sure that they took the films seriously, in the beginning of the following session, they were given a short quiz containing a few general questions checking their comprehension of the film.
3. Esta parte no me quedó muy clara... se le entregaba a los alumnos el capítulo todas las clases?... y qué pasa si ellos se juntan a verlos y ven los videos con otro formato... ¿? Me imagino que ese debe ser el mismo problema para testear los resultados con post-tests retardados... Tal vez podría haberse dado un post-quiz después de cada episodio? ... mucho trabajo... En realidad yo no soy experta en metodología así que no sé si está bien o no, pero llama mi atención.
Respecto de las conclusiones:
...the type of subtitling is an effective factor influencing vocabulary recognition and recall.
...the most effective type of subtitling for vocabulary recognition is bimodal subtitling; this kind of subtitling generates better results than standard subtitling and significantly better results than reversed subtitling.
As to vocabulary recall, it can be concluded that bimodal subtitling is significantly better than the standard subtitling, which, in turn, is significantly better than reversed subtitling.
The difference between reversed subtitling and the other two types may be accounted for by the hypothetical superiority of L1 phonological data to L2 orthographic data for processing. In other words, when the soundtracks are in their native language, the learners may not feel the need to read the subtitles simply because comprehension is achieved without them. When they do not read the subtitles, they do not learn new words, receptively or productively.
Aunque estoy de acuerdo con la idea de que en "reversed subtitling" si no leen los subtítulos, será imposible que aprendan nuevo vocabulario, no creo estar muy de acuerdo con que los alumnos no van a leer los subtítulos porque entienden sin ellos... creo que es algo más bien automático. Por lo menos para mi. Si veo subtitulos, los leo, aunque haya entendido sin ellos.
Que me queda para mi proyecto?
Bueno, un paper que justifica el uso de captions/subtítulos en L2 vocabulary recognition and recall.
En ninguna parte habla de "adquisición incidental", por lo que supongo que el autor no considera que los alumnos "adquirieron" el vocabulario de esa forma.
Tampoco describe las clases, por lo que podría ser que se recicle vocabulario en ellas.
Creo que sería interesante estudiar las interacciones que se dan en la clase producto de ver videos. Yo hipotetizo que los alumnos van a preguntar "cosas" relacionadas con los videos por lo que el profesor va a tener que lidiar con preguntas "difíciles" o para las que no está preparado.
Pero eso se debería promover (que los alumnos pregunten en clases) ya que así testean sus hipótesis, no?
Una pregunta que me quedó sin resolver: A qué exactamente se refiere con "vocabulary recognition and recall"... se acuerda de la palabra?, se acuerda del significado?, la puede usar?, la ha visto?... Me gustaría haber visto una definición operacional para eso.
Iman Khomeini International University - Irán
Baltova, I. (1999). Multisensory language teaching in a multidimensional curriculum: The use of authentic bimodal video in core French. The Canadian Modern Language Review 56(1), 32-48.
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Birds, S. A., & J. N. Williams. (2002). The effect of bimodal input on implicit and explicit memory: An investigation into the benefits of within language subtitling. Applied Psycholinguistics.
Borras, I. & R.G. Lafayette. (1994). Effects of multimedia courseware subtitling on the speaking performance of college students of French. The Modern Language Journal, 78 (1), 66-75.
Cordella, M. (2006). Discourse analysis and the subtitles of documentaries: the case of the children of Russia. ODISEA, 7, 77 – 88.
Danan, M (2004). Captioning and subtitling: Undervalued language learning strategies. Meta, 49 (1), 67-77.
Findahl, O. & B. Hoijer. (1976). Fragments of reality: an experiment with news and TV visuals. Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, Audience and Programme Research Department. In: Reese, D. & Davie, W. R. (1987). Captioning effects on television news learning. Retrieved (2008)
Findahl, O. & B. Hoijer. (1981). Studies of news from the perspective of human comprehension. In: Reese, D. & Davie, W. R. (1987). Captioning effects on television news learning. Retrieved (2008)
Grignon, P. , J. M. Lavaur & N. Blanc. (2005). The effect of subtitles on film understanding. Retrieved (2008)
Grgurovic, M. & V. Hegelheimer. (2007). Help options and multimedia listening: students' use of subtitles and the transcript. Language Learning and Technology, 11 (1), 45-66
Kellerman, K. (1985). Memory processes in media effects. Communication Research, 12, 83-131.
King, J. (2002). Using DVD feature films in the EFL classroom. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 15 (5), 509-523.
Kirkland, C. E., et al. (1995). The Effectiveness of Television Captioning on Comprehension and Preference. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco. Retrieved (2008)
Koolstra, C. M., & J. W. J. Beentjes. (1999). Children's Vocabulary Acquisition in a Foreign Language Through Watching Subtitled Television Programs at Home. Educational Technology Research and Development, 47 (1), 51-60. Retrieved (2008)
Kusumarasdyati (2005). Subtitled movie DVDs in foreign language learning. KUS06105. Retrieved (2008)
Markham, P. (1999). Captioned videotapes and second language listening word recognition. Foreign Language Annals, 32 (3), 321 – 328.
Neuman, S. B, & P. Koskinen. (1992). Captioned television as comprehensible input: Effects of incidental word learning from context for language minority students. Reading Research Quarterly, 27, 95 – 106.
Reese, S. D. (1984). Visual-verbal redundancy effects on television news learning. Journal of Broadcasting, 28, 79-87.
Reese, S.D., & W.R. Davie. (1987). Captioning effects on television news learning. Paper presented to the Radio-Television Journalism of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conderence, San Antonio,Texas. Retrieved (2008)
Rice, M.L., & L. Woodsmall. (1988). Lessons from television: Children's word learning when viewing. Child Development, 59, 420 – 429.
Schilperoord, J., V. Groot & N.V. Son (2005). Nonverbatim captioning in Dutch television programs: A text linguistic approach. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10, 402-416. Retrieved (2008)
Stewart, M. A., & I. Pertusa. (2004). Gains to language learners from viewing target language closed-captioned films. Foreign Language Annals, 37 (3), 438-447
Vanderplank, R. (1988). The value of teletext subtitling in language learning. ELT Journal, 42, 272-281.
Wilson, C. C. (2002). Practical aspects of using video in the foreign language classroom. The TESL Journal, 5 (11). Retrieved (2008)
Yang-dong, W. & S. Cai-fen. (2007). Tentative model of integrating authentic captioned video to facilitate ESL learning. PLA University of Foreign Languages, 4 (9) (Serial no. 45). Retrieved (2008)
Zanon, N. T. (2006). Using subtitles to enhance foreign language learning. Porta Linguarum 6. Retrieved (2008)
Baltova, I. (1999). Multisensory language teaching in a multidimensional curriculum: The use of authentic bimodal video in core French. The Canadian Modern Language Review 56(1), 32-48.
Beck, I. & M. McKeown. (1991). Conditions of vocabulary acquisition. In: Barr, R. et. al. (Eds.) Handbook of Reading Research, 2, 789-814. New York: Longman.
Birds, S. A., & J. N. Williams. (2002). The effect of bimodal input on implicit and explicit memory: An investigation into the benefits of within language subtitling. Applied Psycholinguistics.
Borras, I. & R.G. Lafayette. (1994). Effects of multimedia courseware subtitling on the speaking performance of college students of French. The Modern Language Journal, 78 (1), 66-75.
Cordella, M. (2006). Discourse analysis and the subtitles of documentaries: the case of the children of Russia. ODISEA, 7, 77 – 88.
Danan, M (2004). Captioning and subtitling: Undervalued language learning strategies. Meta, 49 (1), 67-77.
Findahl, O. & B. Hoijer. (1976). Fragments of reality: an experiment with news and TV visuals. Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, Audience and Programme Research Department. In: Reese, D. & Davie, W. R. (1987). Captioning effects on television news learning. Retrieved (2008)
Findahl, O. & B. Hoijer. (1981). Studies of news from the perspective of human comprehension. In: Reese, D. & Davie, W. R. (1987). Captioning effects on television news learning. Retrieved (2008)
Grignon, P. , J. M. Lavaur & N. Blanc. (2005). The effect of subtitles on film understanding. Retrieved (2008)
Grgurovic, M. & V. Hegelheimer. (2007). Help options and multimedia listening: students' use of subtitles and the transcript. Language Learning and Technology, 11 (1), 45-66
Kellerman, K. (1985). Memory processes in media effects. Communication Research, 12, 83-131.
King, J. (2002). Using DVD feature films in the EFL classroom. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 15 (5), 509-523.
Kirkland, C. E., et al. (1995). The Effectiveness of Television Captioning on Comprehension and Preference. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco. Retrieved (2008)
Koolstra, C. M., & J. W. J. Beentjes. (1999). Children's Vocabulary Acquisition in a Foreign Language Through Watching Subtitled Television Programs at Home. Educational Technology Research and Development, 47 (1), 51-60. Retrieved (2008)
Kusumarasdyati (2005). Subtitled movie DVDs in foreign language learning. KUS06105. Retrieved (2008)
Markham, P. (1999). Captioned videotapes and second language listening word recognition. Foreign Language Annals, 32 (3), 321 – 328.
Neuman, S. B, & P. Koskinen. (1992). Captioned television as comprehensible input: Effects of incidental word learning from context for language minority students. Reading Research Quarterly, 27, 95 – 106.
Reese, S. D. (1984). Visual-verbal redundancy effects on television news learning. Journal of Broadcasting, 28, 79-87.
Reese, S.D., & W.R. Davie. (1987). Captioning effects on television news learning. Paper presented to the Radio-Television Journalism of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conderence, San Antonio,Texas. Retrieved (2008)
Rice, M.L., & L. Woodsmall. (1988). Lessons from television: Children's word learning when viewing. Child Development, 59, 420 – 429.
Schilperoord, J., V. Groot & N.V. Son (2005). Nonverbatim captioning in Dutch television programs: A text linguistic approach. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10, 402-416. Retrieved (2008)
Stewart, M. A., & I. Pertusa. (2004). Gains to language learners from viewing target language closed-captioned films. Foreign Language Annals, 37 (3), 438-447
Vanderplank, R. (1988). The value of teletext subtitling in language learning. ELT Journal, 42, 272-281.
Wilson, C. C. (2002). Practical aspects of using video in the foreign language classroom. The TESL Journal, 5 (11). Retrieved (2008)
Yang-dong, W. & S. Cai-fen. (2007). Tentative model of integrating authentic captioned video to facilitate ESL learning. PLA University of Foreign Languages, 4 (9) (Serial no. 45). Retrieved (2008)
Zanon, N. T. (2006). Using subtitles to enhance foreign language learning. Porta Linguarum 6. Retrieved (2008)
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