In this study, fifteen European learners of English, between high-intermediate and post-proficiency level, watched nine hour-long sessions of BBC general output television programmes with CEEFAX English language subtitles. The aim of the study was to investigate the potential benefits to be gained in terms of language learning from watching sub-titled programmes. The subjects provided detailed feedback on language gained from the programmes, on their reactions to the sub-titles, on strategies used in exploiting the sub-titles, on levels of anxiety, on the comprehensibility of the sound and text, and on the programmes themselves. The subjects also undertook a limited number of language-oriented activities connected with the programmes. Subjects reported that they found the sub-titles useful and beneficial to their language development and that they were able to develop strategies and techniques for using sub-titles flexibly and according to need. The findings suggested that sub-titled programmes may be of limited value for low-level learners, but may provide large amounts of comprehensible input for post-intermediate-level learners. The findings also indicated that sub-titles promote a low affective filter, encourage conscious language learning in ‘literate’ learners, and, paradoxically, release spare language-processing capacity.

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