
martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Variables predicting foreign language reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in a linear hypermedia environment (2007)

Akbulut, Y. (2007). Variables predicting foreign language reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in a linear hypermedia environment. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology- TOJET, 6(1), article 5. Retrieved January 1, 2009.


Factors predicting vocabulary learning and reading comprehension of advanced language learners of English in a linear multimedia text were investigated in the current study.
Predictor variables of interest were multimedia type, reading proficiency, learning styles, topic interest and background knowledge about the topic. The outcome variables of interest were vocabulary and reading comprehension scores.
Participants were 69 undergraduates enrolled at the foreign language teaching department of a Turkish university. Participants were randomly assigned to three different forms of an authentic electronic text, which differed from each other based on the type of multimedia: (a) definition of words, (b) definitions coupled with pictures, and (c) definitions coupled with short movies. The participants were given the text to read for general comprehension and were given an unannounced vocabulary test along with a reading comprehension test.
Multiple regression analyses with vocabulary scores and reading scores as the criterion variables and the independent variables as the predictors served to reveal whether a relationship existed between the independent and dependent variables.
Findings suggest that annotation type, reading ability and prior topical knowledge are important variables contributing to vocabulary learning whilst reading ability and learning styles (visual score) are important variables contributing to reading comprehension in a hypermedia environment.

Variables Predicting Foreign Language Reding Comprehension and Vocab Acquisition in a Linear Hypermedia Env...

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