
lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Poniéndome al día con el desafío bloguero

Óleo sobre Valparaíso
El desafío 3 pedía que creásemos una página en el blog.  Yo decidí crear una página "About" particularmente porque cuando entro a un blog me interesa averiguar quién es la persona o institución detrás de estas ideas.

Algunas características importantes que debe tener una página "About":

- Debe dar información verídica del autor, sin comprometer su privacidad.

- Debe contener suficiente información como para que los lector puedan sentir que hay un ser humano detrás de la pantalla.

- Debe ser corta e ir al grano.

En resumen, que cuente tu historia, sin aburrir, y permita que los lectores tengan razones para quedarse en tu blog!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola Kami,

    You know what, I never thought about that, when I wrote my "About" page. I just wrote away, but I agree that those points make sense. You don't want the readers to think that it is just a robot publishing these entries, and at the same time, since this is the Internet, you don't want to expose who you are at the fullest either. Since when have you been blogging?

  2. Hi!
    Nice to see you posting a comment here.
    Well, I've had different blogs, probably for different stages in my life. I've been blogging since 2006, but I hadn't been really consistent with that.
    I really admire what you've done with your blog through time and how it reflects your own personality.
    Also, I think that the structure you gave to it just now makes it really attractive. I enjoyed reading the 100+ page :)
    See you around, and thanks for stopping by.
