
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

Captions and Subtitles in EFL Learning: an investigative study in a comprehensive computer environment

Francesca Bianchi Website
Tiziana Ciabattoni

Bianchi, F., Ciabattoni, T., (2008) Captions and subtitles in EFL learning: an investigative study in a comprehensive computer environment. En Baldry A.,et al. (Eds.) From Didactas to Ecolingua: an Ongoing Research Project on Translation and Corpus Linguistics. (pp.69-90)


This study is a broad-range investigation into short- and long-term effects of captioning and subtitling in beginner, intermediate, and advanced Italian adult learners of English. Several issues are taken into consideration including content comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, language-in-use, and semantic match between audio and video inputs. All the variables involved were controlled in a single computerised setting. The current experiment partially supports the fndings described in the relevant literature. A few discrepancies emerged with some previous studies, but they are probably explained by the different type of material and testing procedure adopted.

1. Primero que todo, qué es un "comprehensive computer environment"?

2. Creo que el aporte de este artículo es que investiga varios aspectos no investigados... pero debo ser sincera, hubiese preferido leer varios papers... :) Es que al final la mescolanza es demasiada... me va a costar recordar tanto dato.


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_caption and Subtitles in Efl Learning Bianchi_ciabattoni

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