Johannes W J Beentjes
Según lo que leí en el abstract este estudio apoyaría la idea de que
"...(Dutch) elementary school children can incidentally acquire vocabulary in a foreign language through watching subtitled television programs."
Subtitled television programs seem to provide a rich context for foreign language acquisition. Moreover, viewers are generally quite motivated to understand what is shown and said on television. The present study investigated whether children in Grades 4 and 6 (N = 246) learn English words through watching a television program with an English soundtrack and Dutch subtitles. Children were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: (a) watching an English television program with Dutch subtitles, (b) watching the same English program without subtitles, and (c) watching a Dutch television program (control). The study was carried out using a 15-min documentary about grizzly bears. Vocabulary acquisition and recognition of English words were highest in the subtitled condition, indicating that Dutch elementary school children can incidentally acquire vocabulary in a foreign language through watching subtitled television programs.
A previous version of this paper was presented at the IAMCR conference 1997, Oaxaca, Mexico, Section Sociology and Social Psychology
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